تأليفاتمجلاتمقالاتنشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی

نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی 39 تابستان 1394 ، بخش 1

فهرست مقالات در  نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

۱- Organizational Structure Design of Medium-Sized Municipalities in Iran | دکتر فرخ قوچانی، عزیز بهزادی
۲- Cultural changes in urban management and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) | دکتر محمد تقی حاجی عمو عصار *، علی مرادی
۳- Privacy of House in Islamic Culture with Emphasis on Iranian Citizens Perception | شاهین ایلکا، دکتر بهروز منصوری *، دکتر محمدرضا نصیر سلامی، دکتر علی اکبر صارمی
۴- Investigation of Urban Renewal and Regeneration Management Policy Changes in City of Tehran | هانیه هودسونی، دکتر مجتبی رفیعیان *، دکتر محمدرضا پورجعفر
۵- The role of regionalism in improvement of Mashhad management with an emphasis on the efficiency of Mashhad municipality districts | دکتر محمدرحیم رهنما، وحید پور ترقی *، علی رضایی مقدم
۶- Solution to Material Durability and Energy Consuming Optimization Based on New Technology in Urban Management System | س ب احمدی *، ر فلسفی، ر مرادپور
۷- Evaluation of Urban Green Space on Economic Price in Neighborhoods, Region 1, Tehran | رضا کشاورز نوروز پور
۸- Sustainable Disaster Risk (SDR) Reduction for Developing Countries with emphasis on land system Resilience (LSR) on future study approach Case Study: Rural and Urban Settlement | دکتر ابوالفضل مقیمی
۹- ارزیابی و مکان‌یابی سامانه‌های مدیریت پسماند روستایی (مطالعه موردی:استان ایلام) | دکتر علیرضا دربان آستانه *، دکتر سعید بازگیر
۱۰- Intrinsic appraisal of quality in the field of urban development in region Islamic Azad Universities | سید احمد هاشمی

مقاله ۱ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

 Organizational Structure Design of Medium-Sized Municipalities in Iran | دکتر فرخ قوچانی، عزیز بهزادی

Nowadays communications, decision-making, reporting manner and hierarchy are controlled by organizational structure getting an inside into such structure means getting an insight over the whole organization. It serves as a platform for operation of plans and strategies and also determines links among personnel or executive body of the organization. In line with developments in other elements, organizations must keep thinking of developing their organizational structures. As public, non-governmental entities, municipalities pursue the goal of urban welfare and paving the way for establishment of a mechanism that helps cities achieve sustainable development and growth.

مقاله ۲ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

 Cultural changes in urban management and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) | دکتر محمد تقی حاجی عمو عصار *، علی مرادی

Problem and objective: Analysis of cultural challenges and presenting appropriate strategies for coping therewith, as much as is necessary will be a hard work and access thereto is difficult. Investigation of cultural changes and its relationship with NGOs and presenting an appropriate strategy for coping therewith is the topic of this study. Nowadays, the greatest threat against us is cultural threat and within this period of time, main questions that may solve this problem, is that why the topic of NGOs and its relationship with culture is important? And why culture in our country is taken into consideration sensitively? And what is the philosophy of propounding such topics in the conferences? Methodology: this study was applied based on analytical-descriptive method.

مقاله ۳ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

 Privacy of House in Islamic Culture with Emphasis on Iranian Citizens Perception | شاهین ایلکا، دکتر بهروز منصوری *، دکتر محمدرضا نصیر سلامی، دکتر علی اکبر صارمی

The house is a microcosm of culture and civilization because the primary elements of society, individuals organized along with the family lines, are born, raised and educated in them. The strength of the institutions of the family and house denotes the strength of a society and the verve of its cultural and civilizational agenda. Similarly, frailties in the institutions of the family and house denote frailties in a society and in its cultural and civilizational agenda.

چکیده مقاله

ادامه مطلب
اپیدمی به نام خانه‌های اجاره‌ای گردشگری

مقاله ۴ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

 Investigation of Urban Renewal and Regeneration Management Policy Changes in City of Tehran | هانیه هودسونی، دکتر مجتبی رفیعیان *، دکتر محمدرضا پورجعفر

Urban regeneration and renewal is one of the urban development subjects that have undergone substantial changes in last decades in its approaches and also management process. Despite these global changes, policy making in this field of urban development have been delayed in Iran. In the last three decades, the spread of distressed urban areas in Tehran and their vulnerability against earthquake caused them to be among urban management’s superior priorities. From 1990s, simultaneously with changes caused by socio-economic changes occurred after war and start of “Construction Era” in political contexts, the first urban renewal project was implemented in form of a highway construction plan by municipality with a concentrated and top-down approach.

چکیده مقاله

مقاله ۵ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

 The role of regionalism in improvement of Mashhad management with an emphasis on the efficiency of Mashhad municipality districts | دکتر محمدرحیم رهنما، وحید پور ترقی *، علی رضایی مقدم

Development of urbanization and rise of cities and urbanism during the last decade have added new dimensions to urban issues and have led to increasing importance of monitoring, conduction of urban development and organization of towns and their surrounding regions. In the meantime, the procedures of favorable life management play the most important role in improvement of human habitats and sustainable urban development, since the regulatory factors in urban plans and procedures of dealing with urban problems stem from the efficiency of urban management. One of the new ways of management is decentralized urban management which contributes to realization of desired goals of urban administration through division of tasks and responsibilities.

چکیده مقاله

ادامه مطلب
نشریه علمی پژوهشی باغ نظر شماره 20 خرداد 1391

مقاله ۶ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

 Solution to Material Durability and Energy Consuming Optimization Based on New Technology in Urban Management System | س ب احمدی *، ر فلسفی، ر مرادپور

Energy consumption share in construction part and dependent industries is about 40 percent of total energy consuming in Iran which is significant compared to other industries such as transportation, agriculture and therefore is of important. As energy consumption reduction and material durability improvement leads to cost reduction from one hand and environment pollution reduction on the other hand, is considered as one of the most substantial concerns in the field of construction.

چکیده مقاله

مقاله ۷ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

 Evaluation of Urban Green Space on Economic Price in Neighborhoods, Region 1, Tehran | رضا کشاورز نوروز پور

Urban green space is one of the important solicitude for urban planners and designers due to their effects on quality of life. This research used HPM model to estimate economic value of urban green space, in a case study of trees in Velenjak residential place, Tehran Metropolitan Area in Iran. View determined the spread tree on the public spaces and neighbourhoods improve residential land use value about 1.5 MRials rsulting a positive neighbourhood externality of studied green spaces and trees. Developed model in this study is capable to popularization on the same region, in order to qualitative value estimation of open spaces.

ادامه مطلب
آپارتمان مسکونی اندیشه | گروه معماری کندو

چکیده مقاله

مقاله ۸

 Sustainable Disaster Risk (SDR) Reduction for Developing Countries with emphasis on land system Resilience (LSR) on future study approach Case Study: Rural and Urban Settlement | دکتر ابوالفضل مقیمی

With increasing frequency, the developing countries and the people living there are being affected by disasters. More and more often, development efforts are being destroyed. The reason for this trend is their growing vulnerability, which in turn is the result of economic and social development processes, such as the expansion of settlements and agricultural land in risk areas. The economic and social consequences of these disasters for the people in our partner countries last for years.

چکیده مقاله

مقاله ۹

 ارزیابی و مکان‌یابی سامانه‌های مدیریت پسماند روستایی (مطالعه موردی:استان ایلام) | دکتر علیرضا دربان آستانه *، دکتر سعید بازگیر

روند روزافزون دورریز پسماندهای روستائی کشور، نیاز مبرم به توجه بیشتر به مدیریت پسماندهای روستائی و نقش آن در حفظ محیط زیست را توجیه می کند. گردآوری پسماند روستایی به دلیل تعدد روستاها و مقدار اندک پسماند روستایی نیازمند برنامه‌ریزی فضایی است تا با بهره‌گیری اقتصادی و مشترک از تجهیزات، حوزه وسیع‌تری را تحت پوشش قرار داد. هدف اصلی مطالعه حاضر نیز بررسی ارزیابی پتانسیل و مکان‌یابی سامانه مدیریت پسماند روستایی استان ایلام می‌باشد.

چکیده مقاله

مقاله ۱۰

 Intrinsic appraisal of quality in the field of urban development in region Islamic Azad Universities | سید احمد هاشمی

Present research investigates intrinsic quality in region1 Islamic Azad Universities and presents a pattern to improve quality of universities. In present research, we appraise professors, and students, ideas about educational, administrative-financial, student, research and cultural factors. Present research is survey- descriptive. Its statistical society consists of 78440 students of undergraduate study fields in region1 Islamic Azad Universities in 2011-2012. The sample equals 382 students.

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نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی

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